Welcome to the ANU Indonesia Project Newsletter. Within each edition lies curated compilation of the Indonesia Project's activities for every semester. As you explore the ANU Indonesia Project Newsletter, you will find a comprehensive overview of our activities, which range from long-standing prestigious events such as the Indonesia Update and Sadli lecture, to insightful book launches, policy forums, seminars, lectures, training programs, and featured research.  Each segment reflects our dedication to informing our stakeholders about Indonesian economic and social policy development. This newsletter stands as a testament to our commitment to delivering high quality research and discourse on the economy and society of Indonesia.  We invite you to delve into each edition.

ANU Indonesia Project Newsletter

Dr Arianto Patunru and discussant Dr Masyita Crystallin during the 2023 Economic Update.

2023 Canberra Book Launch: Sarah Xue Dong, Mohammad Syarif Alatas, Angie Bexley, Her Excellency Stephanie Copus-Campbell, Budy Resosudarmo

Dr Elisabeth Kramer speaking at the 2023 Mubyarto Public Policy Forum